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Products > Shot-Set 250 Liquid Accelerator

A modified silicate-based accelerator, Shot-Set 250 Liquid Accelerator provides better adhesion, increasing thickness on the first pass.

Shot-Set 250 is easier to work with than other accelerators because its' higher viscosity allows the injected accelerator to blend more completely with the shotcrete mix, creating a more predictable, homogeneous result at lower dosages (two to six percent). With its unique chemical composition, Shot-Set 250 doesn't generate heat to accelerate like other products. So, there's negligible strength loss.

Shot-Set 250 is non-toxic containing no chlorides, nitrates or aluminates, and increases safety underground. Plus, it's compatible with all cement types, and meets or exceeds all ASTM, ACI and other requirements for "in-situ" shotcrete testing. At a dosage rate of two to four percent by weight of the cement, petrographic, tests show no deterioration of "in-place" shotcrete after several years.

The Shot-Set 250 Liquid Accelerator:

  • Reduces rebound, normally to about five percent.
  • Increases safety because it's non-toxic and non-caustic
  • Decreases probability of skin and eye burns
  • Provides greater workability and final strength
  • Greatly increases adhesion
  • Saves you money

Basic Shot-Set 250 Specifications:

  • Furnished in 55-gallon drums (208 liters)
  • Net weight: 634 pounds (287 kilograms) per drum
  • Available in bulk
  • Shelf life of two years plus when properly stored

Please note: The suggested mix design and requirements below are for example only. Mix designs and requirements will vary according to application and desired results.

High Performance Shotcrete Requirements:
PropertyMinimum Requirements


Compressive Strength Mpa p.s.i.
1 Day 10 1450
7 Days 30 4350
28 Days 40 5800
Flexural Strength Mpa p.s.i.
7 Days 4 580
28 Days 6 870

High Performance Wet Shotcrete Mix Design:

  kg/m3* lb./cu.yd.
Cement Type 400 kg/m3 675 lb./cu.yd.
Silica Fume (optional) 40 kg/m3 67 lb./cu.yd
10mm Coarse Aggregate 3/8 420 kg/m3 710 lb./cu.yd.
Concrete Sand Well Graded F.M.-2.7 1130 kg/m3 1900 lb./cu.yd.
Water Reducing Admixture 1 liter 25 fl. oz.
Superplasticizer 4 liter 100 fl. oz.
Air Entraining Mixture *as required  
Steel Fiber (if required) 60 kg/m3 100 lb./cu.yd.
Shot-Set 250 3% 11 liter .26 lbs.
Water 190 kg/m3 320 lb./cu.yd.
Total 2255  3800 


Material Safety Data Sheets

Click here to view the SDS data sheet for Shot-Set 250.

Information on other Shotcrete Technologies products, detailed price lists, specifications and references are available upon request.

NOTE: Due to continuous development and improvement, we reserve the right to modify the design and specifications of our products without notice.